We were born on June 23, 2010 in Newport Beach, California

Reese was born at 1:57 PM and weighed 4 pounds 7 ounces and measured 16.5 inches.

Will was born at 1:58 PM and weighed 4 pounds 9 ounces and measured 18 inches.

We were born at 32 weeks and 1 day and are doing well given our quick entrance into this world.

Mom and Dad are doing fine. Mom had us via C-Section and Dad did not pass out but did cry quite a bit (actually A LOT).

Thank you for your love and prayers.

God is good. All the time.

(Pictures and videos will be updated later. For now click on our Twitter posts on the right side of the page. To view the pictures, right click and select "open in new window".)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Updated Poll Question...

Due to some recent news from our latest Dr. visit, we have updated our poll question.  You may want to rethink your vote!



We messed up!  We misspelled our most favoritist cousin's name.  Dooohhhh!  She wrote us a special email letting us know that since we're still new, she will let it slide this time.  Thanks CaitLIN!  Since we misspelled your name, we wanted to show everyone how cool you and your brother Jordan are (our other most favoritist cousin). 

This is our cousin Caitlin!

This is our cousin Jordan!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Good News...from our Doctors!

So we had a big sonogram or ultrasound depending on which one of our parents you ask (it was an ultrasound - mom was right).  This was our third different place for an ultrasound and this was a BIG one.  We had to go to the "special" top secret ultrasound lair to measure our necks and so our parents could hear our heartbeats!  Our dad grabbed our mom's arm and they both kind of...umm...i guess they both got a bit emotional and crazed.  Basically, they freaked out they thought it was so cool.  We're glad they got to hear them but it's all we hear ALL DAY LONG...blump blump...blump blump...blump blump.  We're ready for some Coldplay!  Yeah!

Back to the ultrasound. We did not cooperate at all.  We were so disappointed in ourselves. 

Twin A - Hey "B" YOU were the one not cooperating. 
Twin B - Ooooohh "A" the "good" twin.  I was having fun.  I was putting on a show for our parents...I was dancing, yawning, kicking, and bouncing around!  You just sat there rubbing your nose
Twin A - I was trying to be good so they could take our picture and measure our necks. 
Twin B - Boohoo...they got it didn't they. 
Twin A - After 3 people and the main doctor!!!
Twin B - Hey it got done didn't it?  And I made sure they had fun while you just sat there rubbing your nose!
Twin A - I was rubbing my nose because you kept hitting me.  You just wait...I'm sneaky...

So there you have it.  It got done but we were a pill for everyone.  We'll be good next time.  WE PROMISE!

Here's a picture of mom looking at us on the TV and a profile picture of "A".  No good picutres of "B"...I was moving around too much! 

Our grandparents are coming to see us this weekend!  Woohooo!  We'll keep everyone posted via Twitter!  See you soon...

Oh yeah...Doc says all is good...we're coming along FANTASTIC!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Q&A...without the Q


We have been getting quite a few questions lately.  Some are the normal, routine, pedestrian type questions.  Some of you though are quite creative!  We wanted to spend a few minutes to answer them in no particular order and in no particular importance to who asked or who is reading or what you may or may not think about our short lives here on on earth in womb so far...whew...
Are you ready?
  1. No
  2. Yes
  3. August 17 but probably sooner (we will sell squares that will go to our college fund - maybe some to Haiti relief)
  4. We don't know - it's either not there yet or it's not there.  Mom and dad both think "it's not there"
  6. Leaning toward Huggies, but in all likelihood Costco brand
  7. It will be black and white until we are born
  8. Boob - hehehehehhehe
  9. EEEWWWW that's our parents!  You wouldn't want to know that about your parents would you?!?!?
  10. They call it Webster.  We call it monster.  Supposedly he will protect us
  11. Either a good stroller or not having to be beside him or her all day every day - hey not cool!  I didn't say anything about you
  12. A Bumbleride - sheesh...everyone knows that.  It's the Ferrari of strollers!
  13. No way...Dave Matthews Band is horrible.  Even we know that
  14. Texas!
  15. Golf and soccer.  Everything else we can decide on our own
  16. Anywhere except Texas A&M or Notre Dame
  17. Not really...not just yet
  18. Definately
  19. We like what's playing on our site.  Duh!  That's why we had our dad put it there
  20. No.  If you dress us in matching outfits we will throw up all over them.  Seriously.
  21. Disneyland - of course.  But most likely it will be either Target or Costco.
  22. 12 weeks as of TODAY (Tuesday Feb. 2)
  23. Uncle Austin
  24. The truffle shuffle
  25. Just to be clear.  We are serious about the outfits. 
  26. Jordan & CaitLIN
  27. Maybe in a month??? 
  28. Definitely Star Wars although the last Star Trek was good (so we hear)
  29. Can you register for that?  We thought it was just someone from Boston talking about their iPod.  Then yes.  We will probably grow up teaching our parents and grandparents how to use an iPad
  30. No.  Because our dad says there are sharks there
  31. Bikes
  32. Where the Wild Things Are
  33. Walks and jogs with mom and dad and the monster
  34. Lots and lots of water
  35. Those bomb pop popcicles with the red, white and blue...we never get the white though.  Mom makes dad eat that part
And the question you have all been waiting for...

Yes but mom and dad won't let us say them yet. They don't want anyone to know.  They are beautiful and stately.
NO - we will get in big trouble if we say
We already said we wouldn't say
No we will not confirm yes or no
I think we've answered that question...
til next time.  We gotta "head out"
