We were born on June 23, 2010 in Newport Beach, California

Reese was born at 1:57 PM and weighed 4 pounds 7 ounces and measured 16.5 inches.

Will was born at 1:58 PM and weighed 4 pounds 9 ounces and measured 18 inches.

We were born at 32 weeks and 1 day and are doing well given our quick entrance into this world.

Mom and Dad are doing fine. Mom had us via C-Section and Dad did not pass out but did cry quite a bit (actually A LOT).

Thank you for your love and prayers.

God is good. All the time.

(Pictures and videos will be updated later. For now click on our Twitter posts on the right side of the page. To view the pictures, right click and select "open in new window".)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Where There's a "Will", There's a "Reese"

Hello.  My name is Will. 

Hello.  My name is Reese.

From now on, these will be our names.  They are good names.  They are from good men.  And when we say "Where there's a Will, there's a Reese", there will be. 

We will look out for each other.  We will have each other's back.  We will love one another.  We will love others.  We are coming into this world to make it a better place.  We will make you smile.  We will make you laugh.  We will make you hope again.  We will help you heal.  We will be gentle.  We will act as gentlemen.  We will lend a hand.  We will help you feel your heart.  We will be there when times are hard.  We will be strong.  We will stand tall.  We will look you in your eyes.  We will let our lights shine.


William Aubren Moss
Reese Joseph Moss

Thursday, March 18, 2010


We are boys we are boys we are boys!  Check out our new videos.  Our Dad took them with his phone and if you throw on some headphones you can hear what your looking at because dad says he has no idea but we're AWESOME! 

To celebrate, our parents took us to Disneyland for the first time.  It was ok but we couldn't really ride any rides.  Mom says it was because of US!  Is she NUTS!  We wanted to go go go!!!  They're crazy!  We would have been fine dropping down Splash Mountain or Space Mountain or Indiana Jones or even Pirates of the Carribean.  EVEN our Nanny rode that RIDE!  This had better stop really soon because we are ready to have some FUN!!!

Thanks for your prayers everyone!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Webster's Blog (and he announces our names)!!!

Hello everyone.  It's Webster.  The twins let me have some space on their website.  So far I like them, but then again, they haven't really been bothering me too much.  Probably because they haven't popped out yet. 

I've really enjoyed joking with Shelby about her "litter" though.  That's my joke.  You can laugh. 
So the twins have been getting alot of questions about names and they were kind enough to let me share them with all of you so here goes.

If they are boys:
Airbud Original and Airbud the 4th (Just as with Rocky the original and 4 were the best)

If they are girls:
Sassy and Daisy

I have already picked out my present for when they come home.  Tennis Balls!  Because I can't think of anything I would want more than lots of tennis balls rolling on the floor with the twins. 

Well I'm tired now.  It took me all day to type this (no thumbs)...

Webster Out...

By the way, I just noticed that my tail looks dopped.  I have a tail.  I have a beautiful tail.  I told them to put a good picture on here.  I can't believe this.  I just woke up from a nap on the tile and my tail is between my legs.  I'm so embarrased.  Here is what I really look like...

Ahhh much better...ok so it was a few years ago but man am I good lookin

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Two Weeks?

We're really not sure about this thing called "time" right now.  Supposedly we just "lost" an hour???  I guess mom and dad are going to look for it?  We hope so!

And then there's all this talk about two weeks.  We don't know what a week is but it's been two of them since mom has been sick.  And that's a GOOD thing!  Mostly because we keep getting blamed for it!  We LOVE our mom.  She's protecting us and giving us a home right now.  WHY would we make her sick???  Does that make sense to anyone?  BUT they kept blaming us when they talked to everyone.  They would say, "Oh the twins are making me/her sick and it's AWFUL".  Soooo....

We want to set the record straight.  WE, as in       and         did not, by our choice make our mom sick.  If we did it inadvertanly (big word there for us), we apologize but let's get real.  Do YOU think we would do that to our mom?  Of COURSE not!  We're the "Oh look it's twins, they're sooooocute" least that's what we think is going to happen and we're going to take advantage of it EVERY chance we get it!

Alright...well we're going to go eat.  And then we're going to convince dad to fill out a March Madness bracket for us.  Who do we think is going to win????

Rock Chalk Jayhawk!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

Shameless plug to our mom and dad.  They've been married 8 YEARS TODAY!!!  Ok that was more for our mom but we love our dad too!  They went to The Melting Pot last night.  Dad kept making sure mom was cooking her food enough.  She was!  We loved it!  Dad picked the Flaming Turtle Chocolate and practically licked the bowl!

We had a doctors appointment last week but there wasn't much to it.  Good heartbeats, 161 and 159 bpm which is normal for this time, but that's about it.  Dad asked when we would be "in the clear" and the doctor said, "oh about 25 years".  HAHAHAH  Dad had it coming to him!

However...stay tuned next THURSDAY when all of your questions will be answered!  We'll do something with the website...

In other news...
A girl on American Idol just sang Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac!  Hmmm that's a cool name...