We were born on June 23, 2010 in Newport Beach, California

Reese was born at 1:57 PM and weighed 4 pounds 7 ounces and measured 16.5 inches.

Will was born at 1:58 PM and weighed 4 pounds 9 ounces and measured 18 inches.

We were born at 32 weeks and 1 day and are doing well given our quick entrance into this world.

Mom and Dad are doing fine. Mom had us via C-Section and Dad did not pass out but did cry quite a bit (actually A LOT).

Thank you for your love and prayers.

God is good. All the time.

(Pictures and videos will be updated later. For now click on our Twitter posts on the right side of the page. To view the pictures, right click and select "open in new window".)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hello World

We are here.

Want to know what happened?

Here goes...

WILL:  So this morning around 6 AM I bet Reese he couldn't kick his membrane open.  I mean come on, it's World Cup time right?  We've been watching all the games and with the USA vs. Algeria match starting in a few minutes we thought we would get in some practice.

REESE:  I didn't want to take the bet.  I'm the oldest which makes me all the more wise and I knew what would happen.

WILL:  OH you're going to pull that card!  NOW?!?!?  You're like 1 minute older than me.  If that?!?!?  Give me a break...

REESE:  Like I said, I didn't want to take the bet but little Willy over there (cutoff)

WILL:  Oh no sir!  I'm NOT the 4 lbs 7 oz, 16.5 inch shrimp.  That's you Reese.  I'm BIG WILL coming in at a stellar 4 lbs 9 oz and a lean mean 18 inches.  For a "32 weeker" they think I'm quite the stallion. 

REESE:  If I could get back to the story...I wasn't going to do it but he dared me.  We all know that the original "dare" does not elicit much of a response.

WILL:  Yeah.  So I skipped the dog dare and went right into, "I TRIPLE DOG DARE YOU"!

REESE:  What are you going to do right?  It was a triple dog dare.  I had that thing busted in TWO KICKS!  It was waaaayyy faster than any of the USA soccer players today!  They needed extra time to beat...who were they playing?

WILL:  Next thing I know, Reese is going all Kelly Slater on me and riding the wave down to the birth canal.  I was yelling at him.  "Reese!  REESE!  Where did you go?!??"  Finally he said, "I'm down here."  But it sounded like he was in a cave with echoes and everything.  All I could see were his feet!

REESE:  I got stuck down there for a few hours and that's when I started causing mom some real pain.  I felt bad about it but once I was down there, I wanted OUT!  The contractions were waving and rolling, rolling and waving, waving and rolling!

WILL:  That's when I heard Reese yell, "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!"  It reminded me of Squints in the Sandlot.  You know when they're at the pool and Wendy Prefercorn is putting on suntan lotion and...

REESE:  Not all these people have seen The Sandlot.

WILL:  Well they should!  It's only the 4th best movie ever!  Right after Empire Stikes Back, Indiana Jones, The Bourne movies and Love Actually.  What?  I'm a lover...

REESE:  Well for one, that's more than 4 movies.

WILL:  Dude, I'm like 4 hours old.  Get off it.  Who cares if I can't count yet!  OOOHHHH Mama Judy and Pop just got here!  Back in a jiff!


Unknown said...

I just pee'd my pants laughing. Congrats to the lovely family!

Anonymous said...

I just peed in my pants too. You are sooo funny! Love you all. Wish I was there! Wish I was there!