We were born on June 23, 2010 in Newport Beach, California

Reese was born at 1:57 PM and weighed 4 pounds 7 ounces and measured 16.5 inches.

Will was born at 1:58 PM and weighed 4 pounds 9 ounces and measured 18 inches.

We were born at 32 weeks and 1 day and are doing well given our quick entrance into this world.

Mom and Dad are doing fine. Mom had us via C-Section and Dad did not pass out but did cry quite a bit (actually A LOT).

Thank you for your love and prayers.

God is good. All the time.

(Pictures and videos will be updated later. For now click on our Twitter posts on the right side of the page. To view the pictures, right click and select "open in new window".)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Quick Update

So here's what's been going on with us the last few days.  Many of you may know but for those that don't, we will try to be as clear as possible.  It's been BANANAS!

After getting home from our Memorial Weekend road trip to the hospital, we settled back in at home for some nice bed rest until our delivery day.  On Wednesday we went to our Dr. and he looked at us kind of funny.  Remember in The Sandlot when Squints says, "FOOORRREEEEVVVEEERRRR", and it's real slow and deliberate.  Imagine that and this is what the Dr. said, "I AAAMMMM SSEENNNDDIINNNGGG YOOOUUUU BAAAAACCKKKKK". 

The best part was when he said to go straight there and mom asked if she could go home to get some things and he said no.  Well, ok so the best part was in the car when mom told dad to go home.  It went like this.

Mom:  Please go home and let me get some stuff
Dad:  But the Dr, said...(CUTOFF)
Mom:  If I'm going to be there for a while, I want to go home and get my stuff
Dad:  Well, ok...."Boys, do as I say, not as i do"

And so we have been in the hospital ever since and probably will be for a while. 

They put us on a GNARLY treatment called, "The Mag", otherwise known as Magnesium Sulphate.  It helps with mom's contractions (which she still is  not feeling).  It also helps us in case we are born to soon.  It made us feel very strange.  All the nurses described it differently, but probably the most easy to understand would be like having the flu, a hangover, and hot flashes all at the same time.  They had ice buckets next to mom to cool her off because it also made her feel hot and tingly. The craziest thing about it, she couldn't have hardly any water!!!  So, after 24 hours of feeling AWFUL, we got to come off the medicine and have been doing great ever since.  We even had our first visitor, Frauntie Katie!

Ok so this was not sooo quick but there is more to come.  OHHH and today is also MOVING DAY!  Since we are going to be here a while, we are going over to "Antipartem".  We are not sure what that means, but the room has a fridge and dad is bringing up some snacks and some milk!  Dad has been dying for some milk!  And maybe a dvd player or the WII...ok gotta run, we are literally moving RIGHT NOW!


Anonymous said...

Praying for you...all of you! So sorry. You are doing great Shelb! And Brandon, you are awesome. And I think you are such a good writer of this blog that you should write a book. I would buy it and I know other people would too. You are so witty and funny. Now back to you babies...stay in there, enjoy, the warmth, the peace, the constant food. You can do it!!! 6 more weeks guys, come on!

Unknown said...

Hi Shelby and Brandon!!!

Oh my gosh!! We just found out about this website today, and logged on at 5pm to find out that the twins were born today???? Amazing!!!! How blessed we are to log in just now to share in this joyous time!! We didn't know where you were Mrs Moss, but found out today from Mrs DeAllen:) Congratulations to you both!!!! We hope that Will and Reese are doing well! Please post updates when you can!! We hope we can see you and the twins this summer!

Much love and blessings, Jeanne and Charis Nigro